Charlotte Thomas
Associate Tutor in Biblical Studies
Having earned both her undergraduate and master’s degrees in Theology at Cardiff University, Charlotte is an SWWDTP (AHRC) funded PhD candidate at Exeter University researching hypermasculinity and militarised metaphor usage in ‘neo-muscular’ Christian men’s groups. Her research interests include biblical violence, feminist hermeneutics, gender and sexuality, the theology of Veganism, Ecotheology, and the intersection of masculinity, the Bible, and nationalism. As well as being an Associate Tutor in Biblical Studies at the College, Charlotte is an honorary Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence, and a member of the Ethical Futures Network at the William Temple Foundation.

email: ctt@cbc.cymru
phone: 029 2025 6066
Charlotte Thomas
Cardiff Baptist College
54 Richmond Road
CF24 3UR