Learning from Young People’s Experience of Baptist Communion : Re-envisioning the Meal as a Space for Nurturing Faith
Linda Hopkins 2023 Whitley Lecture

The Whitley Lecture and Workshop ​: Learning From Young People's Experience ​of Baptist Communion​ - Rev'd Linda Hopkins
Friday 2nd June, 2023​ 10:30 - 4:00pm​
11-12.30 Learning from Young People’s Experience of Baptist Communion :
Re-envisioning the Meal as a Space for Nurturing Faith​​
Lecture followed followed by discussion ​
All welcome to join us in person at Cardiff Baptist College or online​​
1.30-3.30 Workshop on ‘Children, Young People and Worship’ ​
This part of the day will not be streamed on-line ​​
Note this link will stop working at 2pm the day before the event. Any queries contact events@cbc.cymru
Linda Hopkins is a Baptist Minister with a portfolio ministry, working in a freelance capacity as spiritual director, mentor and coach to individuals and church groups. This day combines her lecture and a facilitated work-shop that together seek to create sacred spaces that welcome and encourage the insight and presence of younger generations.